(no subject)

Jan 04, 2006 00:45

[ooc: After this mother and daughter reunion, except not.]
Her mom fades away and then all else vanishes. She opens her eyes, finding herself laying down on the bed, the temperature back to normal and...
"Mom?" She sits up, wiping away tears, looking at the room. It's silent, no one else is there, she's alone. The picture by her bedside keeps shifting, the woman...the girl in the picture is so different from the face she's seen in the mirror for almost the last week.
She holds out her hands. 'Am I capable of violence? Would I hurt anyone I loved?'
It'd break my heart if you did.
"Please come back." She says out loud. Her heartbeat sounds magnified in her ears, her eyes hurt, and she can't stop tearing.
"I'm so tired. I just want this to end."
In her dresser is a knife. For self defense. Just in case. And what her mom said is true, if she's a danger, she should keep people from getting hurt. 'I might have hurt Angie.'
She flips through the notebook for a moment.
'I can't trust my own mind.'
Suddenly, she's calm, all doors closed and one left to open. This is better than waiting for a prophesy or for some psychopath to take revenge for things beyond her control.
She walks over to the dresser, her hand not even trembling, and opens the drawer.

sisters, nightmare, ba'alzamon, nita callahan, suicide attempt, ow, transfer of power plot

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