Failure to Protect

Jul 19, 2005 05:23

[ooc: Directly after this]
'Couldn't stop him. Couldn't stop him. Couldn't stop him...' and if they were alone, and not in a bar, how far could he have gone? Would she be stumbling back to her room with injuries and ripped clothes and a soreness that would never go away?
She sits on the bed and covers her face, wincing slightly as she touches the bruise forming on her cheek. It hurts to swallow, but she doesn't dare think of going to get Nita or, she can't tell anyone about this.
It's bad enough they all see her as someone that needs to be protected - but couldn't defend herself even though her hands were pretty much free and she knew things that would hurt him...just...froze. And if she froze protecting herself, what if Angela was there? She feels a chill at the thought. Maybe she can't be a mom, she can't stop...
It was like her nightmares, trapped, and his hand against her throat and she couldn't scream and somehow no one stopped him. Did someone tell her it wasn't safe here? Why didn't she listen?
She looks in the mirror and steps back. The face in the mirror way too much like a girl she's been trying to forget. Her eyes are bloodshot, an almost handprint on her cheek, and definite finger shaped red marks on her neck - that will bruise but no one can ever know - her secret, because the future has to happen and if her dad found out...or Chase...they'd kill him.
'Can still feel his breath against my cheek...his *tongue*...' she tastes bile as she remembers that moment and the lust in his eyes and...she runs into the bathroom and dry heaves into the toilet, feeling her already injured throat ache at the strain. Blood appears in the bowl and it takes her a moment to remember that it's his. 'Need to brush my teeth and scrub my face and...' The tears almost burn as she leans back against the wall, wraps her arms around her bent legs and wishes she was someone else.

post-ramon incident, broken

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