Viola. Your practical to a fault and a great
friend, but you tend to be a little shy, too.
Once and a while, take a leap, you might
surprise yourself.
You're a 50's corset. You'll poke someone's eye
out with those babies.
What Angsty Song Are You? brought to you by
Quizilla You are Felicity Shagwell!
Who's your inner classic movie star? areyoubluish, from this day forward,
your Star Wars name shall be....
samta alsan
areyoubluish, from this day forward,
your Punk Rock Band name shall be....
saving ballerinas
areyoubluish, from this day forward,
your Blues Singer name shall be....
lonely kennedy
areyoubluish, from this day forward,
your Porn Star name shall be....
c.k. university heights