Nov 13, 2008 01:14
- 06:51 Stupid sleep, I missed a great series of drunk texts last night. #
- 07:15 @ johnnynva still coming tomorrow night right? #
- 07:51 @ latinageek LOVE the new icon! #
- 10:03 There is a guy sitting in front of me in a meeting who is laughing for no reason. He's now wiping away laugh-tears. #
- 10:07 You know its a special kinda meeting when Redskin cheerleaders show up in uniform. #
- 10:19 If you had to sit through this video no amount of cheerlanders would make it worth it. #
- 10:56 @ Weaktwos Its for the CFC (Combined Federal Campaign) which raises money for charities. #
- 16:20 @ MisenusMike I was quite pleased with that one myself :) #
- 19:36 my Twitterank is 56.94! #
- 19:56 @ MisenusMike They forgot the "g" g8.52 :) #
- 21:21 Why aren't there more choices for birth control for women? A patch? Who wants to wear a patch? #
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