So yah, as a kid I LOVED Gatomon/Tailmon dearly. She was my favorite digimon, and to this day while I like more, she is still my number one kitty! So! I have recently decided to start seeking out toys to add to my collection. So far I have the season one gatomon beanie with the :3 face, as you will see in the below picture, a large talking gatomon toy, a winking one, two crouching figures(one painted as black gatomon), the DQ plushie, ect. So, im pretty much looking for anything I dont have XD but there are some specifics. What do I have to offer? Well I can pay, as long as its not too expensive D8 im a college student so...yah ;xD but I can offer trades to! In these pictures below, I have some extras that came from ebay lots I can offer!
with these ones, all but the gatomon and biyomon I can offer to trade. Though if I really want it, I might be willing to offer my biyomon to XD the rest are up for trade/sell
with these ones, only gatomon and terriermon are unavailable. The rest I would trade/sell
with these ones, only gatomon is unavailable. The rest are up for trade/sell
as for what I am looking for? wlel I would like the season 2 gatomon beanie with the :D face, and I also want the salamon beanie, as shown here
and pretty much, I just want gatomon/salamon plushies =) also would LOVE renamon/viximon and their evos to ^^ lop and terriermon are loved as well 8D and thats about it. I will take a full picture of my collection soon to ^^ thanks!