Stayed single almost the whole year?
Kissed someone new?
Done something you've regretted?
Oh yes, but it's corrected itself.
Lost someone?
My great grandmother died suddenly. It was harder on me than I outwardly admitted.
Cut class?
It's hard to cut internet classes.
Were involved in something you'll never forget?
Visited a different country?
Nah, still US bound apparently.
Cooked a gross meal?
Not memorably, I'm not a brilliant cook, but I've never messed anything up to the point where I wouldn't eat it anyway.
Lost something important to you?
Losing my job was harsh, I felt that was where I was supposed to be.
Got a gift you adore?
Kal is continuously giving me things I don't deserve.
Tripped over a coffee table?
Probably, more than likely just hit myself really hard on one.
Dyed your hair?
Sweet jesus, I went through about 10 different colors. Everything from blonde to nearly black back around to the bright red.
Came close to losing your life?
I think I was also more suicidal than I let on for a while. But I think ever since I suicide-FAILED a long while back I've pretty much decided to keep living.
Went to a party?
Read a great book?
Middlesex was the one that stands out most, but Mother Night was fabulous. And yes, Twilight was a guilty pleasure.
Saw one of your favorite bands/artists live?
Nope, and I regret not buying tickets to TV on the Radio without bothering to think of the $$$.
2008:Friends and Enemies:
Did you meet any new friends this year?
Yep! Some excellent, some a bit flighty. I've kept the good ones :)
Did you dislike anyone?
Yes and no. I'm not fond of a couple people, but writing them out of my life was easier than to expend the energy to constantly grieve the relationship(s) that got fucked up.
Did you grow apart from anyone?
Yes, but it was expected in hindsight.
Do you have any regrets when it comes to your friendships?
2008: Your BIRTHDAY!
Did you have a cake?
Yes! My mom made me one, though she always tends to make a combo one for myself and my dad who's bday is two days later.
Did you have a party?
Nah, it's hard to compete with winter and holidays.
Did you get any presents?
A few, some monies and Kal gave me an art studio which was so sweet of him.
2008: All about YOU
Did you change at all this year?
Oh yes. But I would hope that's true for any year.
Did you change your style?
Were you in school?
Still in the same masters program.
Did you get good grades?
I somehow have a 4.0 after my 17 hours, so yeah, I actually do have good grades.
Did you have a job?
I'm on my fourth this year.
Did you drive?
Of course. Put a ton of miles on my car and got him in a wreck (as well as two other cars!).
Did you own a car?
Yep, my lovely Focus.
Did anyone close to you give birth?
Not to my knowledge.
Did you move at all?
Yep! From Grapevine to Carrollton. I love living in Carrollton much more, but our old apartment was nicer I think.
Did you go on any vacations?
Nope. I went to Kemah, Austin and Houston, but that's typical.
Would you change anything about yourself now?
I think I'm right where I want to be right now. Mentally, I'm in a good place. I have a job I like and good friends.
2008: Wrap UP:
Was 2008 a good year?
No, it was pretty horrible at times.
Do you think 2009 will top 2008?
I think that's the expectation we all have... I'm not sure how it was that we all had a horrible 2008... but I'm hoping 09 is much much better.
Blergh, need to call the bro... I can't believe tomorrow is xmas eve. I think he and I will go somewhere- he hardly ever has days off (in which he doesn't spend at a church...) so I'm hoping he'll go out!