Taught classes Monday afternoon, woke up early Tuesday and drove to Power Paws for a quick trip. Vic was great, this "only work sequences every other month" is really working for us. More fast lines, weave/contact maintenance, but really it's about conditioning for Vic which is another great excuse for living at the beach on our days off. :-) Rich was amazing. Really, he blew my mind. I had no idea the things he could do, lots and lots still to do, the fun stage where there's years worth of things to teach ahead. Weaves are coming, I'm going to spend this week (3 days I train) doing channels. We started frames last week, time to add more motion and make it look like an agility obstacle, dogwalk looks good for what I want, but always fun to play around with. Some single jump stuff, low bounce jumps, toy tossing and remembering to do an obstacle we don't always do, every time I'm around equipment. Oh yeah, the table...it was so good, but is now very very broken. No video from Nancy's and the weather wasn't great for pretty pictures. This week the first Clean Run with me as a Backyard Dogs contributor arrived. Still weird to me, but most definitely cool. :-)
Came home, taught the next day and more importantly, met my new agility guru (so much I've had so wrong...). I knew other people would also see the value in what Vergina has to say, but I the response is truly amazing. As it should be, Vergina is incredible! Taught again on Friday/Saturday, then had Sunday off, which I totally took, though I really should have been catching up on things.
Here is some video of contacts this past week.
Click to view
And a few pictures from the week...