Birthday and baby dog seminar

Jan 15, 2014 10:20

Vic turned 7 on Monday.  Seven years old!  How on earth is he over 5?  He remains my most awesome boy, so handsome and such my perfect match.  He's starting to get a little grey, but the white half helps to hide it.  He is as happy and vocal as ever, we're moving back into training mode after taking December off and hitting a show this weekend up north.  No real goals for this year, other than being as ready as possible to do well at Cynosports and taking lots of pictures of him being his awesome self on our walks.

And a couple days before Vic's birthday was Rich's first agility seminar.  When I booked Jim and Nancy several months ago, I made sure we had a "baby dog" group, that was just doing jumps and tunnels, so Rich could play.  I really wasn't sure at all what to expect, which was something I haven't felt, since before Vic.  He was so much fun!  So keen to play, so quick to learn and so happy.  I do adore my puppy.  I don't have much good video of him, since usually I'm just balancing a camera on a jump and forgetting to edit through the 10 minutes of footage to get to the 2 minutes of action, so this feels like the first time I've "seen" him and I really like what I see.  :-)  I didn't include Jim's half in the video, because well, working at a distance is not something Rich really needs and watching him do a jump/tunnel/jump wasn't too interesting for me.  ;-)  On the dogwalk front, he's on a full height dogwalk just targeting to a toy and giving me good performances 80+% of the time.  I'm waiting until next week to add an obstacle after, since the multi-tasking was hard for him and frustrating for me, which is why we took a step back.

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Tomorrow I head up to Nancy's for a couple days of training.  My plan for this year is to get up there every other month.  The year off from big goals was so good for my soul, I am so energized and excited for what this year will bring!
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