I spent last weekend knocked out with the flu, totally sucked, having a happy, high energy puppy and the flu is not a good combo. Rich continues to be a bold, super happy, super outgoing puppy. Housetraining (fingers-crossed) seems to have hit a breakthrough, with him going to the back door when he wants to be let out. The other dogs seem to have accepted that he's not leaving and I'm still somewhat baffled that Vic seems to like him more than Starlet. Vic really does see him as "our" puppy and will often give me a "can you believe he's doing that?" when Rich is being especially dorky puppy. Which Rich does a lot, Vic never self-entertained, but if I'm not up for some playing, Rich will throw toys around or his favorite is to lie on his back and hold the toy over his mouth, then throw it in the air and try to catch it. It's very cute. He's doing much better about giving me behaviors when I have a toy or high value food. When I had him weighed on Tuesday he's 15.6 lbs. According to some website that does estimates on adult weight, he will be a 35 lb dog, which would make sense since Vic is 42 lbs and I expect Rich to be smaller.
I'm going to go up to Power Paws in a couple weeks for a weekend of International handling with Vic and decided to go up on Friday, so Nancy and I can do a puppy lesson. I tend to teach things that I like to teach, so getting an outside eye on him will be awesome. :-)
Speaking of Vic, we have a show this weekend, so I ran him in class yesterday and at a demo yesterday morning. Yeah, we're covered in rust, definitely time to get back in training mode. Vic was so happy to practice and I just love running him, so more practice is a total win-win.
Some pics from the past week:
Rich made friends with the cutest mini-aussie ever, Allie:
And on Sunday I managed to get a good group pic!
He has also decided that the chuck-it is all powerful.
And his ears are doing crazy things
And he is tugger extraordinaire, anywhere anytime with anything, even when surrounded by small children.