I'm tired, stressed, and not very inspired. I hope this post doesn't reflect any of that.
My Missing Trees:
I found out today from my neighbor that the developer that chopped down the trees that used to provide my summer shade has run into financial difficulty and is going to sell the property. So he chopped down my fucking trees for nothing! Nothing. And I find myself with a plan to have an air conditioner installed before spring.
Bender is 1.5
Bender celebrated his 1.5 birthday this week. It's so hard to believe he's already that old. I was looking tonight at some of the amazing puppy photos
brisbeethewhite took when he was a puppy.
GAH... he was so cute. Those ears just kill me!
It's so much fun to look at all those photos and see how much and how fast he changed. I'm so lucky to have so many photos to chronicle his first six months!
Bender and His Litter Brothers and Sisters at 1.5
Handsome Bender who, amazingly, lives with ME in Oregon!
Z lives in Montana and looks like his daddy Tok
Mars lives in Flagstaff with her older sister Squid and her Aunt Grit
Tolt lives in Salt Lake with his dad Tok and his older brother Takk
Amp lives in Louisiana and is the super model of the litter
One Year Ago
It's been a year since Bender was diagnozed with OCD.
This photo was taken by Heather just a day or two after we got the OCD diagnosis
It was so terrible to have such a young dog facing surgery... rehab... all that confinement. I look at him now and he's amazing! I know that I did everything I could to insure that he would have the best outcome possible.
He will have his AKC agility debut on Thanksgiving weekend at the Albany trial.
Here's a little bit of sequencing from class a couple of weeks ago.
Click to view
Oh and he got his weaves back... with a vengeance. He's hitting tough entries like nobody's business!
Forrest and the Rats
Forrest is 11.5 years old. I'm seeing the years on him, but he still likes to get out there and have fun. A couple of weeks ago he earned his first two masters earthdog legs. We've been in masters earthdog for at least a year and a half and have never gotten a qualifying leg. He actually earned two legs that weekend. And we both loved every minute of it.
I wish I had a photo of Forrest actually doing earthdog, but
since most of it takes place under ground, this is the best you get.
The frogs have been REALLY loud the last few nights. There are two that engage in a sort of call and response. The one closest to the house says MRAAAAACKKKKK, and the one further away says mraaaaaackkkk. Luckily, the dogs show no interest in them.
I heard this guy go slap, slap, slap across the concrete the other day. It was darned hard to find
him once he hit the leaves. Talk about camouflage!
Skeeter is a Filthy Beast
Skeeter has been spending so much time on her recreational digging project that she is constantly dirty.
She got a midnight bath a couple of weeks ago
Winter is Coming
It really feels like fall all of the sudden, even though it was up in the 80s a couple of days ago. I'm really ready for the cooler temps, but I'm not quite ready for the rain. I heard that this winter in Portland would be drier and colder than normal.
Sure sign winter is approaching: the terriers curl into tighter and tighter balls, and get closer and closer.
Someone is threatening to steal our sun and put it in a cage and never let it come back.
What a bitch