
May 07, 2010 01:47

I've been hanging around on the Yahoo Answers Books and Authors board for ... oh, about a week now. I've answered enough questions and gotten enough "best answers" that I've somehow managed to qualify as a "top contributor" (whatever that means in this context).

But I think it may be time for me to step away from it, at least for tonight. I've been a tad snippy with the last three questions I've answered, and that's probably not good.

Of course, the last one was "Don't you think this story deserves to be published?" with a link to it on Fictionpress. I click the link out of morbid curiosity and note that the author seems to be having trouble sticking with a single tense, sometimes within the same paragraph. I backbutton and note said tense trouble in my response.

The one before that was "Unit test on Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde?" with a list of multiple choice questions. I don't know if this kid wants us to do his homework for him or what, but my (rather short-tempered) answer was "read the story, it's not that long." Sheesh.

And the one before that is "Can you help me out with my storie?" (yes, spelled just like that, OW THE PAIN), and she posts a wall o'text and seems to be confuzzling an epilogue with a prologue and I may have been a little bit mean to her too, but DAMN, people, at least make an effort at the frelling craft, okay???


Writing? What is this "writing" of which you speak?

Also, I don't think I'm going to get to see Iron Man 2 until Monday. This grieves me.

Also? My uterus can quit jacking me around just any time now. The back pain that has decided to concentrate on my knee is most unwelcome. And I'm still not bleeding, even though I probably should have started doing that a week ago. Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaate.

yahoo answers, girly tmi, iron man

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