Hey, look...

Nov 20, 2009 15:34

It's Friday and I finally have actual new words in the novelthing.

Yeah, Ben just tried to commit suicide. Again. In his sleep, this time. The poor little sod. And now he's not sure he actually wants Janni to find him, because he thinks he might be broken beyond repair and doesn't want her to waste her energy trying to put him back together again (for the third time). Because there comes a point.

And this, I think, is why he ultimately takes off, after he gets home, with a Glock loaded with silver bullets.

In other news, the Harlequin cluster-foxtrot continues apace. The RWA, MWA, and SFWA have all reacted, well, unkindly, to what I'm referring to as HarHo and the predatory practice of pointing rejected authors in that direction in the rejection email. Part of my problem with this is that they're talking out of both sides of their mouths on the issue. On the one hand, they're telling the rejected writer, "Jump on in, the water's fine, you'll be 'published' by us and we'll watch your sales and yadda yadda yadda," making it seem as if they're going to be shelved with the Big Girls on bookstore shelves. And on the other, they're telling their established writers, "LOL, no, it's not our branding, no one will get you confused with those amateurs over there, pft."

Which, okay, it's not their branding now--but until the RWA said "Hey, waitaminute, vanity publishing means you're not actually a real publisher, money flows to the author, remember?" they were quite happy calling it "Harlequin Horizons" and would have continued blithely on if they'd not been called on their shenanigans.

If anything actually good comes out of this, I hope that people will figure out the difference between self-publishing and vanity publishing. Self-publishing can be a viable business model for a niche market, or even for getting a foot in the door (which, don't count on it, but it could happen; on Discworld a million-to-one shot is a sure thing, after all, and people get struck by lightning and win the lottery all the time). *waves at the handsome and talented Larry Correia* Vanity publishing is throwing your money down a rat-hole. And the rats are hungry.

Here, have a link salad, for the curious:
Smart Bitches
My post at Clairvoyant Wank
Fandom Wank (which has a great link roundup)
Lee Goldberg (who is actually making sense this time, go, him)
Stacy Boyd wondering what all the fuss is about, and is dismayed that HarHo met with such disapprobation! BRB, LOLing 4ever.

And, I'm done. Good grief.

publishing, oh julie frost no, wank

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