Yesterday, I cracked 40,000 words.
Today, I cracked 41,000 words.
My villain now has even more motivation to hate Ben than he had before. I've done a bit more world-building. It's still coming together piecemeal, and I'm going to have to go back and edit a couple of scenes to reflect the new reality.
In other news, I made some more Sherlock Holmes wallpapers from the trailer, off the template I used before. I may post them later, or I may make another RDJ wallpaper from some candids that just showed up with him in the Tony Stark goatee, wearing a fabulous hat and an open-necked shirt, and smoking a cigar. GUH.
Later, we're going to see "Night at the Museum II." Is it bad that I think it'll probably be smarter than "Terminator: Salvation"? I mean, okay, my Geek Cred is intact in that I actually went to see the thing (and I'm terribly disappointed that I didn't get the Sherlock Holmes trailer with it, WTF, drive-in, just WTF?), but I have...issues with it. Issues. There's a good word.
Coolest. Thing. EVER. Yes. Someone made a Vera replica. Having seen that, my life is now complete and I can die reasonably happy.