Feb 03, 2009 17:48
Because when I added headers, my paragraphs went wonky. AGAIN.
So much hate for Word right now. *beats it*
I'm still sad that I lost out on the "it would be just like him to die in her arms because he loved theatrical gestures" line, but ah well. I'm kind of diggin' the "afraid he won't wake up" scenario too.
I'm going to go through it one final time and search for more wonky paragraphs. And then I shall print out all 76 pages and ship it off to F&SF, tomorrow. I wonder if I should use a box. And where I would get such a thing.
Time to get back on the submitting horse, y'all. Because, seriously, I've got stuff sitting on my hard drive that hasn't gone out since August, and that's bad. I hear Baen's may be opening up for subs again soon. Wonder if I have anything I can dust off for them...
In other news, we bought a new sofa and...sofa...thing (with a center console! Yay for not losing all six of our remotes anymore!) for the family room today. Because the old couch is old and ugly and wearing out, and we found new and shiny ones that were actually comfortable and on sale. This is us, not participating in the recession.
not!iron man,