Okay, fellow writers on my flist, when you get a rejection in which the editor actually takes the time to give you crit, do you:
(a) Shrug, say, "Oh well," and sub it to the next market.
(b) Rewrite the story based on the crit.
(c) Thank the editor for their time, whether or not you agree with the crit.
(d) Whine about it under lock and filter on your LJ...and send it off to the next market.
Write a nasty screed to the editor, defending your work. When he writes you back, reiterate that you feel attacked, boo-frackin'-hoo. When he responds by smacking you with a banhammer, tell him to "
Go f*** a spastic porcupine."
If you answered (e), congratulations, you're the latest in a long line of numpty authors who will not last long in this business.
Seriously, rejection isn't personal. The editor isn't rejecting you, s/he's rejecting that particular piece of writing. Some other editor may love it to bits and shower you with cash. This doesn't mean the previous editor was wrong, it just means that they didn't like that story.
It's not about you. It's about your work. Separate your ego from it and resist the urge to hit the REPLY button unless you're going to thank the editor. Because arguing? Never ends well.
And we wonder why editors send form rejections...
Of course, the form rejections get the frothing replies of rage too. But I bet they don't get them as often.