Apr 12, 2008 15:49
And it only took an hour! I didn't throw the pencil across the room even once! And I only made one mistake, which I caught because something there was SO not making sense.
I will declare this a "win."
I haven't done the State tax form yet. I'm debating if I want to pick one up at the library or use the online form...
Of course, if I'm going to pick one up from the library, then the Hubby better get home with my car soon. They close in a couple of hours.
I'm still wondering about this whole "economic stimulus" check they're supposed to be sending us. Last I heard, it was an "advance on next year's refund." But now I'm reading on the IRS website that "that it won't reduce my refund for next year or increase the amount I owe." However, I still need to hang on to the paperwork for tax purposes next year. Whyfor?
I'd really like to opt out of the whole thing, myself. We don't particularly need it, and if it's an advance on our refund...when was the last time we got one of those? Yeah, that's what I thought. Count me out, plz.
Unless it's an actual tax rebate. Oh, yes, give me that. *grabbyhands* But I have no faith that it's one of those, because the government, she doesn't work thataway. Nuh-uh.