Having moved my business to the front room, I think I have an ending to the BearFic that won't make my Writing Buddy's head go desky. As he pointed out, there's no percentage in my crew going public with this thing. In fact, there's a negative percentage in it. So, I think I've solved that problem. And given myself a better ending, that doesn't feel like there's WAY more to the story, and made it feel less "Serenity"-ish. Yay. *waves hands in a vague victory-ish way*
Now I need to beat the ArtFic into some semblance of logic and readability. I've had a couple of suggestions (from my Writing Buddy and from
bigsciencybrain) that will help with that, I think. Part of my problem is that I'm going for the "unreliable narrator" here...and not pulling it off. I think it can be salvaged. Maybe.
And the next Writers of the Future deadline is sneaking up quick. I need to either figure out what I'm sending to it, or write something new for it. The Giant Bugs story is being...problematic. I don't have enough Plot here. And I'm calling it the Giant Bugs fic, but they're not even the main focus of the story. AUGH.