So, I sent the WerewolfFic off to my (published) Mom for crit last night. She hasn't gotten back to me on it yet, but the lovely and effulgent
texanfan said something that clicked with me and makes me go "ARGH."
The focus of the story shifts, midway through, from one character to another...and doesn't ever really shift back. And there are things that happen more as internal dialogue OFFSCREEN that really should get a little more time ONSCREEN. And how the hell I slide that in there, I don't know--especially since most of the thing seems to be people yacking back and forth and a whole lot of not much else. Dramatic tension? We don't need no steenking dramatic tension! Or action, for that matter.
I mean, yes, I wanted to write something a little more fluffy after the CatFeet and Merc&theSnake stories, but I think I might have gone just a leetle too far the other way.
And I still suck at description.
Also? I don't have the next "thing" yet. The scope of what I was considering for the "Astrobiology and the Sacred" competition is way beyond 5000 words--it might actually be a novel, fer serious--so that particular one is back-burnered for now...but I don't have anything to replace it with, and I'd really like to enter this thing.
Why the hell did I ever think I was a writer?
In other news, we went to the zoo yesterday, and I got some great shots of the cats. One of which begged to be iconed. And so I give you this: