Jan 21, 2007 12:40
Okay, can we just start the year over?
In addition to wanting to throw my scale out the window (I'm about ready to make an executive decision on that and just BUY an actual good one with household money), I just went to pay the bills.
Understand that we were on the road last month when I paid the online bills. And I swear I paid them, at my folks' place. And the credit card bill, which is the one that incurs scary scary penalties if not paid...got paid.
However, neither the phone bill nor the power bill did. Usually the phone company sends me a little email saying "Thanks for your payment." I don't have one from last month in my inbox. It's entirely possible that I deleted it, because I'm stupid that way. But I swear I remember getting that email.
Actually, right now, I'm just doing a lot of swearing. Frell, frack, dren.
I'm debating doing the thousand calories on the bike again. And not eating a damn thing today. Words cannot express the absolute loathing I feel for that notion.
At least there's football on in a little while.