Um, sort of. Two of them are actual drabbles. Remember
my call for prompts because of my little flamer? Well, I've cheated a bit and combined a couple of the prompts, I have a ficathon entry to work on, and another one to figure out a title and summary for.
Anywho. Fic. Yeah.
Title: Cecropia Moth
Author: babies stole my dingo (agilebrit)
Fandom: Angel the Series
Rating: PG-13 (default)
Length: Flashfic (117 words)
Disclaimer: Joss is the genius behind these characters; I am but a lowly follower. I make no money from any of this, so please don't sue me.
Feedback: Concrit adored! If you see something that can be improved upon, please let me know.
Written for: I put out a call for Spike/Fred drabble requests.
crayonbreakygal asked for "someone is mean to Fred, and Spike tries to comfort her."
The secretarial pool was talking about her again, bringing back bad memories of high school and the cheerleading squad. Intellectually, Fred knew she was probably--no, definitely, the smartest one in the room. She still felt like a moth at a butterfly convention.
Then Spike walked into the cafeteria, and their attention turned to him with dreamy sighs and come-hither glances. He took in the situation at a glance, swept Fred into his arms, and kissed her thoroughly. Breathless and laughing when he finished, she asked, "What was that for?"
"Just proving to that lot--" He waved his hand in the direction of the suddenly silent secretaries. "--who the most attractive bird in the company really is."
Title: Rabbit Season
Author: babies stole my dingo (agilebrit)
Fandom: Angel
Rating: PG
Length: Double drabble (200 words)
Disclaimer: Joss is the genius behind these characters; I am but a lowly follower. I make no money from any of this, so please don't sue me.
Feedback: Concrit adored! If you see something that can be improved upon, please let me know.
Written for:
sage_theory thought that Fred and Spike should agree on something that nobody thinks they would agree on.
"Whatcha lookin' at, Harm?" Spike leaned over Harmony's desk. "Tch. Surfin' the web on company time. Bad girl."
"Look!" She pointed to her screen. "Bunnies on Google Image search! Aren't they just the cutest things?"
"Mmm." Spike waggled his eyebrows. Winding her up was going to be fun. "They look delicious."
She smacked his arm. "That's not funny!"
"No, really, there was this little place in Germany in World War Two," he reminisced. "Dru and I ate there. After we'd sampled the patrons, the cook was afraid we'd eat him too, so he made us his specialty, hasenpfeffer. After we tried it, we agreed that to eat such an artist with food would be a crime."
"Rabbit stew, Harm. Haven't you ever seen a Bugs Bunny cartoon?"
"Ew! Spike!" Harmony snagged Fred, walking by her desk. "Fred! Tell him how disgusting he's being!"
Fred had only caught the tail end of the conversation. "What, rabbit stew? Oh, yeah, my daddy used to bring home a couple of jackrabbits for the pot every once in awhile. It was yummy."
Harmony turned her back on them. "Okay, you're both just sick puppies. I'm not talking to either of you anymore. Meanies."
Title: Movie Night
Author: babies stole my dingo (agilebrit)
Fandom: Angel the Series
Rating: G
Length: Drabble (100 words)
Disclaimer: Joss is the genius behind these characters; I am but a lowly follower. I make no money from any of this, so please don't sue me.
Feedback: Concrit adored! If you see something that can be improved upon, please let me know.
Written for: I asked for Spike/Fred drabble prompts.
illmantrim requested "Spike and Fred end up at a movie at the same time, both alone, and end up enjoying it."
Spike spotted Fred the moment he sneaked into the theater. Sitting alone, with five pounds of popcorn and two quarts of soda, she looked determined to have a good time.
He slid into the seat beside her. "Fancy meetin' you here."
"Oh! Spike! I didn't hear you."
"I'm a ghost, right?" He smirked. "Can I join you?"
She smiled back. "Sure. I would have thought that 'Scary Movie 3' would be more your taste."
"That movie's complete rubbish. This one's better...and seein' it with someone will be more fun."
And it was. Even if he couldn't nick her popcorn.
Title: Games
Author: babies stole my dingo (agilebrit)
Fandom: Angel the Series
Rating: PG-13 (default)
Length: Drabble and a half (150 words)
Disclaimer: Joss is the genius behind these characters; I am but a lowly follower. I make no money from any of this, so please don't sue me.
Feedback: Concrit adored! If you see something that can be improved upon, please let me know.
Written for: I asked for Spike/Fred drabble prompts.
sunnyd_lite requested Spike and Fred talking technology and making fun of Angel's lack of knowledge of such, while
nodrogg wanted...well, you'll see.
Angel walked into Fred's office, stopped dead, and blinked. "What...are you two doing?"
Spike snorted. "Like you'd get it, bein' as you can't operate anything more technologically advanced than possibly the telly remote, when you're lucky. Hah! Take that, Fred."
"That wasn't very neighborly," Fred groused. "Fine, Spike! Let me teach you something about violence..."
"Oh, that's bloody unfair." Spike put his controller down. "You win again."
"Hang on. You mean to tell me that I'm paying Fred to play Celebrity Deathmatch?" Angel pointed at Spike. "And you're Spike Lee?" He pointed at Fred. "And you're Mr. Rogers? And you just won?"
"We're not only playing, you wanker," Spike said, crossing his arms. "She hacked into the game and created one that doesn't suck, unlike the original. Might actually make you some money, when all's said and done. Don't knock what you don't understand. Another go-round, pet?"
"You're on..."
Title: Lure
Author: babies stole my dingo (agilebrit)
Fandom: Angel
Rating: PG
Length: Drabble (100 words)
Disclaimer: Joss is the genius behind these characters; I am but a lowly follower. I make no money from any of this, so please don't sue me.
Feedback: Concrit adored! If you see something that can be improved upon, please let me know.
Written for: I put out a call for prompts, and
curiouswombat asked for "an interesting use for tacos," and
hieispike asked for "Spike and Fred work together on a case and kick major ass."
Notes: A Spike/Fred drabble.
They set the paper sack in the middle of the alley and faded into the shadows. Fred banged a handbell, once; it made a louder sound than Spike thought it should. "You sure about this, Freddi?" he whispered. "I don't like bringing you on patrol, even with your bloody great flamethrower."
"Of course I'm sure, you ninny. I wouldn't..." Motion around the bag stopped her in mid-sentence, and she leaped out, spraying fire all over the alley. With the demons incinerated, she finished her thought. "I wouldn't waste perfectly good tacos as Gognar bait unless I knew it would work."