Nov 11, 2010 21:25
I've had this idea for a while now.
Here's the thing... I'm a sap. I will go on record freely admitting that when I stand in line at the grocery store, I pick up the newest Woman's World magazine right away and immediately page to the latest Romantic Fiction short story like a crazed heroin addict fumbling for the needle. The short story is always an 800-word schmoo ficlet. It's like popping a Hershey's Kiss into your mouth! A sweet, saccharine burst of chocolate that may or may not send you into diabetic shock. The short story is always tropey and terrible and I would MAINLINE those things if I could.
So I was thinking... I would love to start a community for romantic drabbles. I'm envisioning that stories would post every Sunday and would stick to a guideline of 800-1000 words, totally one-shot, totally cheesy. I think it would be a great, satisfying way to type up a short little drabble every week and flex your writer skills... and also I'm just greedy for the Hershey's Kisses crack, man, I need it.
is she crazy?,