Nov 17, 2005 16:37
so today was pretty eventful...just did the whole astronomy thing and then came back home and studied a lot. Tonight I work 5:30-1:30. Its just gonna be ashley and me all night which sucks cause its supossed to be really busy....but ashley and me are super cool since we are the only 2 girls who work we got it covered. I work a crap load this it shall be interesting...but im thinking that working so much will suck me back into the cinemark world and I wont think about the other crap I have going on right that im compltely broke until next friday. so this is mainly just for me so I can get a visual of how my week is gonna go:
Today: work 5:30-1:30
Friday: Phil Quizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz haha, work 5:30-2
Saturday: work 10-5:30(I think that might be a mess up actually..have to ask)
Sunday: work 5:30-12
Monday: study hard core for astronomy test
Tuesday: Astronomy test and then movie with Nick
Wednesday: go to Austin!!!! Unless I get stuck with my shift of 6-12...which it says I cant work on yeah...
Thursday: Thanksgiving with Nana
Friday: Football game with Danielle
Saturday: northgate with Danielle!!!
Sunday: study and Danielle go home :(
and thats as far as I need to go right now.
but glad I have a busy week coming up.