Apr 27, 2006 17:04
Okay Sean, here is your update!! So this week has been pretty crazy. I've been getting ready for the AP English test on Monday. Let me just say this, I wasn't too worried about it until Ms.K started talking to us about it the other day. I am officially nervous/stressed now. I know I will do fine, but I am still worried. So this weekend will be full of small bits of studying. Not too much, because I don't want to go crazy, but enough to help keep me thinking about the lovely subject of English. Monday is also a day for work. YAY! (Excited Sean?) lol! I miss work at times. It keeps me going. Two weeks after AP's are exams. AHHH!! I have to say that I just realized that like today. Not cool. I really need to start studying for those. Can y'all believe that the school year is almost over? Especially for you seniors! A few more weeks and you are DONE FOREVER with high school. So lucky! I wish you all luck in college, and for those Aggies out there, I shall see you in a year! WHOOP! Tennis seniors STAY IN TOUCH! Come visit too when y'all have time. I'm gonna miss all of y'all next year! BTW- If anyone wants to meet for coffee and study for AP English, give me a call. Hope everyone has had a great week! Sean, I hope you liked this entry. Speaking of updating, I need more updates from you too ya know!!
"More than anything, more than anything,
My wish, for you, is that this life becomes all that you want it,
To your dreams stay big, and your worries stay small,
You never need to carry more than you can hold,
And while you're out there getting where you're getting to,
I hope you know somebody loves you, and wants the same things too,
Yeah, this, is my wish."
- Rascal Flatts: My Wish