recap of last weekend (still can't even believe this happened)

May 21, 2007 13:22

i've been meaning to sit down and do this all week, but time constraints and yadda yadda, you know the deal.

so heres a recap of my whoel last weekend from friday on.

at work on friday everyone decided they were going to leave early, so even though i had plans, i ended up staying an extra hour or so, so i was pretty pissed. when i finally got to leave, i bussed it home, and met p with dany. from there we went to wal-mart, the to his parents place. we had pizza there and hung out for a bit, then went to the southdale fair. it was kind of lame, but still fun, we ate mini donuts and hung out, walked to southdale and caught a bus home and watched movies all night. (leaving out the fight with steve because, hey, whet else is new).

saturday was milkshake day! dany, steve and i bussed down to the st james value village first where i bought a BAPE SHIRT, silver snakeprint waist cincher, and a framed picture of arnie from predator, which is now hanging in our kitchen. then we went to winners, where i bougth 4 pairs of hello kitty unders, and a cute shirt which i cant find now hahaha. then we went to walmart, and bought a blender, and the fixin's for MILKSHAKES! We came home, made milkshakes, and got super sick from drinking milkshakes.

Then melanie called and was like, come over to stephs after 10. so we hit up the liquor store to get dany and steve some beer. we went over to stephs and partied down until everyone decided they rather go to st james (boo) so me and dany went downtown to take a walk. i'm sure if you look hard enough there is evidence of that all around.

sunday was a hard wake up, i was pretty hung over, but dany had to be up at out at 9 to get to gimli, and i had to go to my parents. hung out with them for a while, played some ddr with the kids, talked to mommy which was nice. i hope she liked her present! went home, took a nap and waited for dany to get home. when i got up i didnt want to go out, but that night was JAPANTHER NIGHT!

the show was really good, and we were talking to jonah outside, and he was like, hey japanther are lookingf or a place to stay tonite, and i'm like, we have a floor, so i talked to them and they were like, SURE, so we helped them load up and skated around the parking lot a bit. we came back to the apartment, ordered pizza, watched a video about pandas, and then part of ninja turtles one. we talked about graffiti, and ian gave me a solid paint stick. they also both drew in my black book! we all went to bed until the next morning. at around 11:30 the dudes in ddmmyyyy called and asked if they could come hang out and if we knew where there was a coin op laundry. well we have that here, so they came over, hung out, played guitar hero, and did laundry. i have some awesome polaroids of all of this! then ian asked me if he could do some screening in the kitchen, and i was like, yeah of course, and he screened us all japanther shirts. cool! then we went to the instore show where no one showed up which isnt surprising. after the show we took them to the skate park.

basically this was the most awesome weekend ever, and when i had to go back to work on tuesday i got really depressed and have been ever since, which sucks.
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