So, I was going to be all cheerful, because, hey, I only have three days until I'm off work for 10 days in a row, and I got a lot accomplished at work today (even though I came in to find that mice had gotten in and destroyed a flat full of seedlings I planted on Friday...chewed them all up). But then I went to go transfer the laundry from the washer to the dryer and and found the washer stopped...full of water and wet clothes, with the top locked. I tried everything I could--unplugging it at least let me unlock it and get the clothes out, but nothing else got it to start.
So I think I'm getting my washer repaired for Christmas this year. Lucky me. :-/
Anyway. Now that the reveals are up at the
hg_seasonsfest, I can say that I wrote Harry Potter and the Preeminent Pumpkin Patch Ploy for
doraeazure (who just so happens to be my newest LJ friend. :D). You can read it on my fic journal, if you so choose, or at the community.
Harry Potter and the Preeminent Pumpkin Patch PloyAuthor:
aggiebell90Pairing: Harry/Ginny; mentions of Ron/Hermione, with a cameo from George.
Rating: G/Everyone (maybe a very, very light PG/Teen, for one swear word)
Word Count: ~3100
Summary: Ron's being a prat. Again. It's not a problem, though, because Ginny's got a plan.
And! I learned that the fabulous fbo66 was my gifter and drew
Photographs for me. How lucky was I? (I LOVE my gift.)
So. I'm going to focus on the fun fandomy stuff instead of the stupid mice eating my plants or my washer dying and ruining one of my favorite shirts (it's mostly red but it has a white "underlayer"...except the white is now pink because the washer is stupid and broke.)
(What, me bitter????)