Quickie Fic Rec...

Sep 12, 2011 06:51

Especially for my fellow Hufflepuffs. :)

Title: House of Comfort
House Category: Hufflepuff
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Pomona Sprout, 'next gen' unnamed Hufflepuffs, beloved old characters of other Houses
Rating: G
Summary: Thus it was that even after centuries, the tradition of the Head of Hufflepuff House gathering the Hufflepuffs for a reminder of their importance would continue in the most comfortable common room in Hogwarts.

I love Sprout (and the random, unnamed Hufflepuff students) in this.

And if you're not a Hufflepuff and don't have any desire to read about us (although why you wouldn't, I have no idea :P), you should go check out the rest of the entries at hogwarts_houses. There are even entries for Sparklypoo. :)

(Note: I didn't write anything for this, I'm just following the community.)

And now I'm off to a fun-filled week of DNA extractions. Whee. (At least my boss won't be there to stand over my shoulder this week--he's out of town at a meeting and won't get back until Friday.)

fic rec, hp, hufflepuff

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