Fic: Truth Twisters (H/G)

Jun 27, 2010 22:18

Sorry for spamming everyone who has my fic journal friended--I just posted Truth Twisters, the fic I wrote for the latest round of takingitinturns there...all four chapters. At once. *headdesk*

This is a slightly edited version of what's posted in the community (mostly to clear up confusion), although I added a bit onto the epilogue.

Here's the info, if you're inclined to read it.

Title: Truth Twisters (This link takes you to chapter one; the rest of the chapters are linked from there and from each subsequent chapter)
Author: aggiebell90 
Pairing/Characters: Harry/Ginny, Ron, Percy, George, plus a bad guy I'd rather not mention yet. :P
Rating: PG
Word Count: ~10,000 overall; ~2824 this chapter
Summary: A break-in, a missing ledger, and a new Wheeze add up to a mystery that needs solving. Good thing Ginny's on the case.

Author Notes: This is my first attempt at something AU, although it's not all that AU, really. This was written for geewhiz  for the Keeping Secrets fest at takingitinturns  . geewhiz  requested tax fraud and audits, bad disguises, and tongue twisters. Be prepared for lots of alliteration. :)


Speaking of Truth Twisters... I got a review for it at the pit the other day (emphasis mine):

i enjoyed your story very much. i found it quite humorous with ginny being more in touch with her masculiine side.


*blinks again*

Ginny's more in touch with her masculine side??? Um...

The only explanation I can think of for this comment is that I made her an Auror instead of a Quidditch Player. I mean, I don't think she acts masculine or anything. She's kind of a tough, take-charge kind of character here (because she's a "cop"), but I don't think I went over the top with it.

Is this one of those, "Aurors/police officers/take-charge women can't be feminine" kind of things, or am I just reading too much into it?

I'm hoping it's the latter. Because if I'm not...ick. 

takingitinturns, writing, wtf?, fic, truth twisters

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