Jan 23, 2009 21:35
So, Katie and I will not be heading to Salem/Boston area sadly. We decided that it would be too quick of a trip and we didn't want to take the chance of not making out of Pennsylvania shoud the weather be nasty and then we loose money on hotel and I have to re-arrange outbound flights or try to catch a train to Rhode Island to catch my flight.
So instead, we will be staying in PA and checking out things around Bethlehem (where Katie is), like Hershey :D
I really wanted to go to Salem, but I think that Hershey will be just as good. Plus there are oddles of things we can do in the area, and who knows what we may find. Its not often I get to go on a trip and have nothing planned. I must remember to do it again.
And now I'm going to watch the end of Numb3rs and then watch Igor. It will be an early bedtime tonight. I have a lot of things to get done tomorrow. One of which is, apartment hunting. woo...
oh yeah, my ears still hurt. blech...