Dec 06, 2011 10:11
I think I have just about hit my coping limit. I am still dealing with the school incident, and am dealing with Public Health iver a cat incident (Vanessa woke my two weeks ago by walking in my face and scratched my eyelid badly enough that I had to go to emerg, who reported it to ph) she has to be in quarantine until a health inspector come out to do a health inspection of her because my ondoor vaccinated cat 'might' be rabid. My vet thinks its the biggest bunch of crap, but I have to jump through the hoops.
School is winding up for the semester. I have one more project and 8 tests/exams in the next two weeks.
I spent an overnight in the hospital for a sleep study. They think I have apnea. Just as I was leaving, I got the call, my dad was being brought in with a suspect heart attack. They have decided that it was not a MI, but angina. He is in ICU waiting for a bed in Sudbury to see a cardiologist and have an angiogram. He also has an awful ear sinus infection that is very bloody.
And to top it all off, our old Simon is not doing well. Every time I go into the barn, I am expecting the worst. He is off his feed and spending more time down sleeping than anything else. He does not appear to be in pain, just very, very tired. He is 44 which is ancient for a horse.
Finances are getting very tight. My furnace quit and had to be repaired and the brakes went on my car. I am hoping I can make it to January when I have some Osap coming in.