Dec 22, 2006 22:08
so as promised here's an update on the last week or so...
on friday, i subbed in a first grade class again. now i admit, with my history of subbing in first grade classes, i was a little hesitant to take this position. but now that i look back on it, boy am i glad i did! it turned out to be the best first grade class i have ever been in, and the kids were so darn cute! sure they had their short comings, as do all kids when they have a sub. but i mean, how cute is it when 2 of them come back from lunch and give you apples?!? :o)
saturday i worked. it was crazy busy since it was only a week or so before christmas. i have to sell these product replacement/technical support plans for certain products that staples sells. up until about 2 or 3 weeks ago, i wasn't doing so hot with selling plans. then all of a sudden, i start to ask about it. a lot. and it helped that i asked our sales manager to help me better explain the plans. since then, i've been averaging about 1 plan for every day i've worked! can i just tell you how pumped i am about that? it doesn't seem like a big deal, but it is for me, because i'm not very good at convincing people to buy a plan when there's a product warranty on it anyway. but i'm selling plans now! yay!
the 707 christmas party was also on saturday. it was a lot of fun. we ate food (of course) and had worship together. worship in itself was interesting because we started off by singing feliz navidad, which our worship leaders had no idea what most of the words were. adam had us making up a dance for the chorus. fun times. we also got to wrap angel tree gifts that people from church had brought in. well, it was mostly the girls who did that... but anyway. after that, we played "who's line is it anyway" -type games. that was a riot. they couldn't get me to do it though. :o) kinda wish i did, but that was my introvertedness kicking in there. it was still quite entertaining to watch everyone else.
monday i subbed again. this time in 5th grade at the school that is the more "lower income" school in erlanger-elsmere. so simply put, it was a rough day. those kids behaved more like middle school kids. to give you an idea of how bad it was, they lost 5 minutes of their recess with in the first 20 minutes of the day, and the only way i could get their attention at first was by listing the names of the students who were actually staying on task on the board. but wait--there's more. when i got them after p.e. the p.e. teacher told me that one student had already earned himself a detention. so i didn't want to deal with it--i sent him straight to the office. the day got a lot better though. the whole 4th and 5th grade classes rotated teachers all day, so i got to see a totally different group of kids the last 2 hours of the day. boy, was i glad when monday was over. of course, i did have to work after all that too... meh.
the rest of the week has been relatively relaxing. wednesday at small group we just had kind of a christmas party thing where we played games and such. we played four on a couch, which i had to help explain. people always get mad at me when i explain games because i always remember rules after we start playing. that's what happened when we played 4 on a couch. but it was still fun. we also played maffia. i was one of the maffia. and maffia won. that never happens when i'm maffia. it was still fun. :o) we also enjoyed yummy skyline dip that betty had made.
and i think that pretty much brings me up to date in my bloging. i'm going up to holland tomorrow after i get off from work. spending christmas with my mom's side of the family. i'm excited about that because i didn't get to go up there for thanksgiving. i also get to see katie on sunday. that will be good too!
i saw a rainbow tonight. it's december and there was a rainbow. how cool is that?
so since this is probably going to be my last entry until after christmas, have a blessed christmas everyone! let's not forget the reason why the incarnate word came to this earth!
"the word became flesh and dwelt among us..." john 1:14
5th grade,