Sep 24, 2007 01:45
Its been a little over a month now and things are goign well, so I figure I'll actually post about Megan. We met through work...we both work at JackRabbit, but she only works saturdays and I don't work weekends so we never see each other at work. She's very tiny...5'2 and a little under 100 lbs. She runs. She likes to drink. She sarcastic as hell. She puts up with my shit. She's very intelligent...earned her master's in london through one of the art auction houses. She's probably not what you'd generally think I'd go for, but she's full of surprises. She can look high maintenance, but she's anything but.
of course my schedule sucks, so we don't see each other as often as I'd/we'd like, but things are still good. Its not often I find someone that I don't get tired of...of course its still somewhat early, but I like how things are going.
that's it for now, i'm getting the fuck outta here and going home.