Remember this?!? I will continue it soon!!!!!

Oct 27, 2004 14:26


GABRIEL FALLS AWAY : Chapter 1 part 1 (History of Scrueols)
(by: Adrienne Carmel Gainer)
Gabriel used to be a person, but now he is a Scrueol. What is a Scrueol? You want to know? A Scrueol is a humanoid creature; they originate in a parallel universe not too far from our own. Scrueols look very similar to us, except they have extended senses; extrordinary compared to ours. They are all exceedingly beautiful and none are blonde; all are brunette. Scrueols sound ordinary enough, but they are not a race like one would think. Only one was ever born a Scrueol; He was Dominiscus the Next; son of Dominiscus the First. Dominiscus the First was blessed by his god for being the only honest person for a moment in time. Dominiscus the First was granted the ability to create a race solely of his choice. All Scrueols are given a gift; Dominiscus the First was given the most crucial gift for a race of this kind: The ability to travel wherever he wanted through thought.
At first this gift was not so great, and Dominiscus the First did not feel so blessed. Initially he was alone. Alone on the planet Talius where the Scrueols live. Back then Dominiscus the First did not know how to control his gift and spontaneously ended up in many random places. During his second night alone on the planet Talius Dominiscus the First had a dream typical of 23 year old males. This dream was of his most recent infatuation, Eolia of Rent (home planet of Dominiscus the First). Towards the end of the dream Dominiscus the First imagined himself with Eolia, in her home, in her bed. You can imagine that this was a horifying experience for Eolia. One moment she was lying alone, drifting off the sleep, and the next there was someone lying there with her. Naturally she screamed, the gurads came rushing in (she was very wealthy), and Dominiscus the First barely escaped before and arrow would have penetrated his throat.
Due to extreme necessity, Dominiscus the First quickly learned to harness his new gift. He spent the next 10 years traveling to the far reaches of existance seeking out those beings deserving admitance to the race of the Scrueols. During this time Dominiscus admitted 169 creatures from 203 different races (some were mixed), and most importantly her learned 6 important facts about the race of Scrueols. These facts are recorded in the Suilat; the never fineshed and frequently amended guide to Scrueolian life. The facts are as follows:
~~~ Scrueols do not age. Their appearances do change due to natural occurances (ex. tanning, sickness, stress, injury);
They always eventually return to their naturall states of perfection.
~~~ Scrueols can die. Many of them heel much faster than those from their naturall races. Never the less all the same things that would kill one before becomin a Scrueol still will (except natural aging, of course).
~~~ When one becomes a Scrueol his soul mate also becomes one and is given a complementing gift. This can be a problem because then this other being must be found before their change is noticed.
~~~ Joined souls die together. When one Scrueol dies his or her soul mate also dies. Where ever he or she is, he or she dies.
~~~ Scrueols are the only intelligent humanoid race that dwell on Talius. There are also fish and small mammel like creatures.
~~~ The race of Scrueols was created with a purpose: to help other races. In their spare time Scrueols travel around helping creatures of all kinds maintain balance.
All Scrueols are given a copy of the Suilat, and are instructed to carry it always. Among other things, the Suilat contains the rules that govern Scrueolen life. The most important of them is that none not Scrueolen are to know the contents of the Suilat.

Tune in soon for Chapter 1 part 2!

Ch. 1 pt. 2 !
GABRIEL FALLS AWAY : Chapter 1 part 2 (History of the enemies)

On the first day of the 11th year Dominiscus the First found Guscianus. Guscianus of Rent was the apitamy of perfection in her small village; and thus was chosen by the Ruler of Rent to be the 200 year sacrifice. This is the most sacred of Renten sacrifices, for it determines the quality of the Renten's livelihood for the next 200 years. If the sacrifice is not suficient the Renten gods may choose to take away meat, fish, grain, sunlight, fruit, or any number of other things that Renten's rely on to sustain their lives. Dominiscus, being a native of Rent, had traveled home to view this ritual, and it was there that Dominiscus first glimpsed Guscianus.
The Ruler's razor sharp sword was a centimeter from Guscianus' neck when Dominiscus the First saved her. He had to take her; the death of a Scrueol is an unmentionable abomination, and killing one is a crime against nature; He could not die and leave the others. She grieved when she realized she had not died; her people would suffer. Dominiscus the First explained to Guscianus her condition, and she realized her gift; as Dominiscus could travel any where through thought she could bring anyone to her through thought as well.
The punishment bestowed on the Rentens for the loss of their sacrifice was the loss of their warm weather seasons. The equivalent to summer, spring, and fall on Earth was completely lost to the Rentens. In the next instant after the loss of Guscianus (it was mid summer), the temperature on Rent dropped 60 degrees and all that grows from the soils froze over and died. This devestated the inhabitants of Rent and, as prompted by their Ruler, the entire race declared war on whomever stole away their sacrifice; Guscianus.
The Rentens had no idea who to blame for their misfortune, and turned to their Ruler for answers. In four months the entire planet of Rent was bare of edible growth, and the Rentens started to die. The Ruler could not let his people become extinct, and his character would not allow him ask for help, so the Renten military sailed to it's neiboring planet and pilaged it's crop supply. This action started a war, which the viscious Rentens won. The race exterminated by the Rentens’ hunger was that of the Toostuz. The Toostuz alies, in turn, declared war on the Rentens. These wars raged for 400 years with no one knowing what happened to Guscianus and up until yesterday still no one knew; but now they do.
After 200 years the Rentens made a sacrifice which ended their puishment, and put them back in favor with their gods. This happy event for the Rentens meant no end to the wars which molded them into a race of ruthless warriors. After 400 years there are few left who remember why they war, or who even think to know. All their masses are is war; better wariars is all they aspire to; except for few. The small margin of the elite aspire to more. The priests remember why the wars are, and they teach the noble children. Those children aspire to be leaders and thinkers and above all else, seekers. Seekers never have to fight, for it is their job to find an end to the conflicts. They know more than anyone else; the entire history of the war. Endlessly they seek he who started it all; the one who stole Guscianus. Tomorrow they will know.

Want to know what happens next?
Tune in frequently to be sure not to miss the 3rd part of Chapter 1 of GABRIEL FALLS AWAY.

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