Honestly, I thought I'd be bored of my 360 by now. I barely touched my PS2 after I got it -- it wasn't till
ginreisan started playing the .hack games that it even played a game for very long. Same deal with the Wii -- and same deal with
ginreisan, playing Twilight Princess.
I'm wondering if it's the games I got -- Mass Effect and Rock Band -- or the downloadable content that comes with them. Because I can't explain it any other way. The formula seems to have had moderate success for PSU as well -- I only really play PSU when something new and shiny comes out for it. (Which is not_now, obviously...)
I stormed through the new asteroid on Mass Effect the first day I had it. It's still good, though... much better than any other side mission, that's for sure.
And so far for Rock Band, I've gotten the Police song pack, the Nine Inch Nails song packs, and crushcrushcrush by Paramore (which is my new favorite_band_of_the_moment, thanks entirely to
I'm not sure what it is about the downloadable content philosophy that I like -- it just seems to work well with me. Same way with comics, I guess: for most things I'd rather pick up an issue every month than get a graphic novel I'll digest in one sitting and toss aside.
There's some kind of philosophical or psychological argument to be made here, I'm sure.
... anyway, I didn't even get to the point of the post yet. There's downloadable content you pay for, and then there's downloadable content that's free.
Still Alive comes out tomorrow on Live, free for us faithful Rock Band users. :D