As I've mentioned, I'm working on a conference paper proposal on the use of oral contraceptives for menstrual suppression. Although paper is less about oral contraceptives themselves and more about why the idea of menstrual suppression is really messed up, in doing my research I've learned an awful lot about that little thing we call The Pill
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And you're welcome!
yeah, i know, that's why i take it with a grain of salt. :P
truthfully though, i do think you fairly presented all the relevant information. even if you do have an obvious bias, it is just as obvious to the reader that you provide a clear caveat that said bias exists [you don't try to hide or excuse it, in fact you explicitly spell out the logical reasons for it]. thus i do not feel as though i am being led to necessarily agree with your position. your position is actually quite incidental to my absorbtion of the facts.
that said, they have invented a pill for males. he puts it in his shoe and it makes him limp. :P
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