As I've mentioned, I'm working on a conference paper proposal on the use of oral contraceptives for menstrual suppression. Although paper is less about oral contraceptives themselves and more about why the idea of menstrual suppression is really messed up, in doing my research I've learned an awful lot about that little thing we call The Pill
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That said, in a lot of what I've read about people who go on the pill for acne management says that for whatever reason, it doesn't come back when they go off it. I asked my doctor and she said it sometimes true, sometimes not. Sometimes people just need to go on it for six months or so to get their hormone levels evened out, sometimes they need to be on it indefinitely.
Certainly your reason is not vain by any stretch of the imagination, though! I say it falls into the category of one of many issues where there is a ton of societal pressure, and you can't judge people for the decisions they make in such circumstances (not that it's right to judge people ever, but it's especially the cases here!).
My point is just that even though there are a ton of very valid reasons to take birth control, I think there are also a lot of really underpublicized reasons why it can be really dangerous, and shouldn't be treated as innocuously as it is. And I think there needs to be more pressure on drug companies to make safer pills instead of spending their R&D money on how they can make pills that will make women stop inconveniently bleeding.
Acne is one of those situations where none of the choices are really great. Antibiotics are bad for you. Things like Accutane are terrible for you. And birth control isn't perfect either, obviously. It's too bad :(
But being armed with knowledge is never a bad thing in my books! Good luck with your doctor!
that's my take on it.
There are about a billion other reasons, though, why skipping your period is still way gross and disturbing :(
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