For the record, life is really awesome right now.
I am still recovering from the exhaustion and sickness following one of the nicest weekends I have had in a long while. Few things beat 3am swimming, even if it is in lake water of questionable cleanliness. On top of that there was all the pool action, dinner parties, soccer baseball, consumption of popsicles/cookies/soy ice cream/sugar in all of it's most delicious forms, bike rides, lovely company andddd the clincher- beach camping!
Speaking of camping, I leave for Ten Oaks in a mere eight days! Does anyone want to come over and practice making things (fannypacks/soap/zines&books etc) with me? I am so excited to see everyone, meet the kids, swim every day, and just generally rule the world with my arts&crafts abilities. Before leaving I will need to do something with my camp shirt. It is so adorable but also
SO HUGE and ill-fittiing shoulders are my biggest fashion annoyance. Those in the know- what to do? I want the end product to say "I know my way around a copy of Nylon, but yes I will wear your macaroni necklace".
1. Can anyone mail me composition notebooks? They are nowhere to be found in Ottawa any more
2. Lately I am all about fiction, especially stuff that is about old dying men reflecting peacefully upon their lives lived, and gay dudes. But I am willing to branch out! Suggest away!
Lastly, thanks to stealing from Neel's soccer baseball photos
here, I gots proof! Dear everyone who has ever called me "precious" or thought me uncommitted to the world of sports:
EAT IT! I have bled and will bleed for my love of the game. RRR!