I have been really unwell.
Since we last spoke I have been to the doctor four times. I have two more appointments with two new doctors on Monday. No one likes spending so much time on medical things, but at least now I feel a little more optimistic that I will be on the path to recovery in no time. Sorry for being stupid and cryptic, but I just don't really feel like talking about it publicly yet.
I could live the rest of my life perfectly contentedly without any of the following:
-Waiting rooms full of screaming babies.
-The Health Services Centre's terrifying elevator of doom.
-Blood tests :(
-Eight pills for breakfast.
-Pills whose pleasant surprise side effect is bleeding from the face!!
Horrible as the whole situation has been, it was very eye-opening in terms of making me realize what a strong connection there is between physical health and mental health. It was shocking how easily "I don't feel up to socializing" turns into "no one wants to see me like this" turns into "I'm all alone in life and no one cares about me". So anyway, if you love me, now would be really a good time to make it known! I am at a point where I will say a really enthusastic YES to any form of social interaction that is not in large groups. Do I want to visit your insufferable racist grandparents with you? OF COURSE! Lend a hand with tedious yardwork? YOU BETCHA! Just for the record.
Totally unrelated: I have been excessively emotionally invested in
the BBC's Greatest Philosopher competition. No one else cares, but I'm going to talk about it anyway because... I can. Way to go Wittgenstein, but otherwise total garbage! I call bullshit on Karl Marx being number one?! Come on, he isn't actually anyone's favourite. Saying he's your favourite is like saying "The Starry Night" is your favourite painting. I don't know why I'm so hostile about it. It's all just sour grapes because no one cares about Foucault. Or Judy B. Or little Eddie Said! Obviously they'd all be totally horrified by such a title, but I just want someone good to beat that smarmy little Karl for once! He gets all the glory.
But seriously guys, who do you think is The Greatest Philosopher? Fair warning: if your answer is Marx or almost any of the jerkbags who were in the BBC top ten, I really can't be held responsible for my reaction. But if that honestly is your answer and you feel you have good reason, go ahead and test me!