I'm in the midst of unpacking and I hate unpacking a lot so I decided to take a break. I arrived in New York with one little suitcase with underpants, a couple shirts and some skirts inside. I came back with a whole lot more. I was much afeared of getting in trouble going through customs but luckily all crises were averted. Phew!
Tasha and I bought so many of these $5 shoes in Chinatown. I thought the yellow ones were adorable and I think I'd like to embroider little bumble bees on them.
The shirt was acquired in Williamsburg. I was really tired when we got to this store so instead of joining the girls I opted to sit down beside an old homeless guy who was violently picking his nose. But my eyes fell upon this cute little crafty shirt and I saw it was was only $24 and I was totally re-energized!
Here are some more!
This one is from the same place in Williamsburg. The deer are actually a light blue colour and the grass is brown. I think it is adorable becuase I love animal silhouettes- especially moose and deer silhouettes! It is definitely one of my favourite purchases.
These were from a really sketchy store on Broadway. I have wanted rainboots forever but the only cute ones I've seen in Ottawa are always over $200, and I think I'd have to punch anyone I knew who spent $200 on rubber boots. Anyway, the guy working at this store was a total sleezebag but they let me have the boots for $14 so how could I say no?
Forgive the non-matchingness of my tights and the post-"jammed in suitcase"ness of the ensemble, but I love this little dress so much! It was from a little vintage store in Williamsburg that appeared to specialize in fur coats, cowboy boots, and cute dresses. I am in love with the print and I think it will be cute with jeans underneath.
Another Williamsburg purchase! I think Tasha was more excited about me buying these boots than I was. They're made of canvas and are covered in little teeny rosebuds. I have worn them everysingleday because I love them. Can you believe they were only $35? Ridiculous!
How does anyone get anywhere in Manhattan? Things that seem like they should be close are always so very far away. We went on the longest trek ever to Anthropologie and all I ended up with was this shirt. I know it's hard to see, but it's covered in little green flowers. The store killed me, and I was tempted to throw financial restraint to the wind and buy everything around me. So many pretty skirts! So many cute housewares! I want to live there.
Accessories! A $5 herringbone scarf from somewhere near Red Bamboo while we waited to get in. A $5 crocheted hat from Chinatown. The pink belt was $6 at H&M (H&M totally disappointed me because everything was made out of the cheapest most disgusting fabric possible. I know that's kind of the point, but still. Ew). And, another one of my favourite purchases, $17 handknit legwarmers from a little boutique in Williamsburg. I forgot my legwarmers at home and these totally saved the day.
I hate bras a lot, but my mom gets mad at me and calls me a slut when I don't wear them :( I feel like I've managed to find balance in the world with the bikini bras from American Apparel so they're basically all I wear any more. I'm a sucker for obnoxious colour combinations so I had to buy this. They provide absolutely no support at all, will always fall off, make you look totally flat, and basically there's really no point to wearing them at all. But they're cheap and they somewhat appease my mum, and so! I also bought seafoam green boycut undies because I love seafoam green!
Pink Chinatown shoesies! The brooch was bought at the same store as my dress. I never wear earrings, but I saw these at a cute little shop in Soho and how could I resist? The button ones were only $6 and I am very in love with them!
Chocolate!! Organic truffles, Newman Os, Natural Bakery doughnuts, and Goldenberg Peanut Chews. I still have these three Peanut Chew packs left and I'm already worried about how sad I'll be when they run out. I'm going to have to solicit American friends to mail them to me!
MAC AND CHREESE! I know everyone says it's disgusting, but I love vegan macaroni and cheese and the idea of being able to make it from a box is very exciting to me! I'm such a sucker for preservative-laden vegan junk food.
I'm probably the only one, but I honestly and truly really love Tofurky. Especially Tofurky slice sandwiches with lots of mustard and pickles. I almost love giblet gravy more than life. It makes me very sad that they only time I get to eat it is at Thanksgiving and Christmas when I buy the whole roast. God bless America and their individually packaged gravy! Numnumnum!
Hmmm. I'm probably forgetting other things, but those are the main ones!