(no subject)

Feb 04, 2005 10:40

Why do people have to be so hateful? There is so much sadness in the world and we all go through more than enough adversity from day to day. The least we can do is show kindness to the people in our lives, am I right? It seems to me that a crucial part of making the world a nicer place to live is to love, respect, and treasure the people around us. It seems like something that should go without saying, and yet...

I really believe that emotions and experiences are less individual and more shared. For example, as of late I have noticed that lots of people have Foucault on the brain and lots of people seem to be in the spirit of wanting to better themselves. Lately I have also noticed an inordinate amount of character assassination and mean-spiritedness. Certainly, we all have brief moments of aggravation in which we complain and say disparaging things, but when it is incessant or unprovoked, that’s not okay. I am so tired of people thinking that it's fine to belittle others if it makes them feel better about their own shortcomings. We all have good qualities and not so good qualities, because that's just the way people are.

And so.


I decided to get out the pink and red construction paper and make little valentines for all of the superheroes in my life. It is taking a surprising amount of time and I am nowhere near being done. But that is a good thing because it means I have a whole lot of good people around me! Each one of the hearts is cut out by hand and has a different person’s name typed the front. On the back I wrote a little something I really like about that person or a nice memory that we share. It was an excellent reminder that I have had a lot of wonderful people in my life, and that there is something good about everysingle one of us. I figured that until they are given away, they might as well get taped to my wall so I can enjoy how pretty they are and have a delightful sight to wake up to! Just know that I am grateful to have each and every one of you in my life, becuase otherwise you would not have a heart!

You will all just have to wait and see to find out what I said about you. In due time!
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