Title: Around the World
jedipiratePairing: Norrington/Jack (aka, Sparrington)
Rating: PG-13 (maybe soft R...)
Disclaimer: I don't own that map; I don't own Captain Jack Sparrow; and, I certainly don't own Scruffy Norrington. If I did, I wouldn't be here, I would be with them... thoroughly enjoying my treasures.
Word Count: 160
Dedication: to
elessil for posting the sex incredibly gorgeous map... and other lickable lovely caps
Notes: This developed from a
statement that
that map is sex, and
Scruffy Norrington is rough sex. May not be my most polished bit of work... but, hey, it's supposed to be rough. ~_^ (That said, comments and con-crit are still welcome.)
Where shall I take you? )