Hornblower fic rec: "Splintered" by phantomsangel

Mar 10, 2006 12:13

I have a recommendation for you and all those of you who are in the Hornblower fandom really should not miss this!

Title: Splintered
Author: phantomsangel
Fandom: Hornblower, bookverse, set during Flying Colours with references to other books in the series (but the fic can easily be understood without having read the books)
Pairing: Hornblower/Bush
Rating: PG
Kink: Handporn. I'm not exaggerating.
Reason recced: Characterization, scenery descriptions, atmosphere and dialogue (even though there isn't much of that) added to a wonderful little fic that describes the relationship Hornblower and Bush have very well. The handporn paragraphs are truly a work of art and reading them made me feel all fuzzy inside. Those who have read the books (or some of them) recognize a very distinct Forester-y style in phantomsangel's writing that is marvellous and makes it very easy to believe the scene written is a lost scene from the books. I love that in fics.

( Splintered )

Comments make the author write more. :D *nudgenudge*

fanfiction, horatio, hornblower, bush, hands

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