Because I can never let them pass me by, for some reason. Stolen from Dommi. :3
1. What kind of soap is in your bathtub right now?
Two types of body wash and dial, I think? I don't pay attention to these things.
2. Do you have any watermelon in your refrigerator?
Nope. Should get some, though.
3. Is there anything moldy in your refrigerator?
There was, but I chucked it today.
4. Are there any dirty dishes in your sink?
I just did the dishes, so there better not be!
5. What would you change about your living room?
The fucking carpet and tile. They're AWFUL. The people who lived here before us had no taste, and they're on the list of Things To Replace Someday.
6. Are the dishes in your dishwasher clean or dirty?
They're in mid-cycle.
7. Do you have a can of mushrooms in your pantry?
Mushrooms are foul and I try to pretend they don't exist, so I have no idea.
8. White or wheat bread?
Wheat. White bread tastes weird.
9. What is on top of your refrigerator?
Several cookbooks, my binder of recipes, and the bread box.
10. What color is your sofa?
Dark green.
11. What color or design is on your shower curtain?
We have a shower door, actually.
12. How many plants are in your home?
13. How many candles are in your home?
A few. I couldn't tell you how many, though, and they're almost all emergency candles.
14. Is your bed made right now?
No. I'm sitting in it.
15. If you have a coffee pot, what color is it?
We have a black one, which seems to be going senile or something, because it randomly starts clicking and the display flickers and there's no reliable way to make it stop.
16. Electric or standard can opener?
27. Comet or Soft Scrub?
I tend to use borax/baking soda, which does a pretty good job.
28. Is your closet organized?
Yep. Two shelves for sweaters/cardigans, two for miscellaneous crap/seasonal wear, and one for shoes. The actual racks are divided into shirts, jeans/pants, and the tall section is for coats, skirts, and my ridiculous number of suit jackets. Oh, and the top shelf is books I'll never read again, games, fabric, and stuffed animals.
29. What color is the flashlight that you use the most?
My phone, actually, has a flash light app, whicih I love the shit out of. So black, I guess?
30. What kinds of things are in your junk drawer?
Escaped beads, waxed thread, wire, pliers, a hole puncher, loose earring hooks, and a couple shitty pens.
31. Do you drink out of glass or plastic most of the time at home?
32. Do you have iced tea made in a pitcher right now?
It's my herbal wake-the-fuck-up tea, but yes.
33. If you have a garage, is it cluttered?
It's filled with stuff, but meticulously organized. It also has a jeep older than my parents in it.
34. Curtains or blinds?
35. How many pillows do you sleep with?
Two and a throw.
36. Do you sleep with any lights on at night?
I can't sleep with light in my room, so no.
37. How many ceiling fans are in your home?
38. How often do you vacuum?
Once a week.
39. Standard toothbrush or electric?
40. What color is your toothbrush?
Blue and white.
41. Do you have a welcome mat on your front porch?
We have a rug, actually.
42. What is in your oven right now?
43. Is your microwave clean or dirty?
44. Is there anything under your bed?
Miscellaneous crap.
45. Chore you hate doing the most?
MOPPING. I fucking hate mopping.
46. What retro items are in your home?
My desk, my mother's dresser (which actually belonged to my great grandparents and is a horrible 70s monstrosity), and one or two kitchen chairs that have yet to be replaced.
47. Do you have a separate room that you use as an office?
48. If you have a yard, who mows it?
Mowing is not a word applicable to my yard. The front has no grass because we xeroscaped it and the back is weeds we've never gotten around to dealing with.
49. Is there anything on your kitchen floor right now?
Dogs' water dish, a small fan, and a box full of magazines.
50. How many mirrors are in your home?
Hanging mirrors? Eight. Mine, my mother's, two in the master bath, one in the hall, two in the main bathroom, aaaand one in my sisters' room.
51. Do you have any hidden emergency money around your home?
I have a couple twenties stashed in my ancient stereo's CD slot.
52. What color are your walls?
Depends on which part of the house. Most of it is white, but the hall is inexplicably yellow.
53. Which rooms in your house have wallpaper?
54. Do you have a peephole in your front door?
55. Do you keep any kind of protection weapons in your home?
56. What does your home smell like right now?
Possibly faintly of the cinnamon rolls I made this morning and the peach brandy I have going in the pantry. But mostly it smells like house.
57. Fave candle scent?
The smells I would buy a candle in are either not things you can easily reproduce or the replications are terribly fake. Or both.
58. What kind of pickles (if any) are in your refrigerator right now?
Pepperchinis and I think chopped green olives. We've eaten all the others.
59. Who are in the pictures you displayed?
One of my sisters and my stepdad's parents. All other pictures in the house are of birds, flowers, landscapes, posters, or, in one case, a railroad map of the lines that go through Colorado.
60. What color is your favorite Bible?
Question not applicable.
61. Do you have plenty of cabinet space in your kitchen?
Not really. But the pantry is expansive.
62. Ever been on your roof?
Yep. Got stung by a wasp while sweeping it off one time and almost fell off.
62. Do you own a stereo?
Yeah. I've had it for like ten years or something, and at this point, I only use the tapedeck to hook up my phone or laptop to listen to it. I really should get rid of it, but it's way easier not to.
63. How many TVs do you have?
We have two. The main one and then my mother has one in her room.
64. How many house phones?
One line, two phones.
65. Do you have a housekeeper?
That would be awesome, but no.
66. What style do you decorate in?
My personal preference is for old school classy stuff, like this:
Please ignore the octopus, walrus, and the bottle of Leninade. I mean stuff like the mirror and lamp.
USELESS FACT: This mirror belonged to my great great grandmother, who unwillingly entertained the Unsinkable Molly Brown. It was in her entryway, as I understand it, during the period when Brown would have been around.
67. Do you like solid colors in furniture or prints?
Depends on the piece.
68. Is there a smoke detector in your home?
Yeah. Doesn't work all that well, though.
68. In case of fire, what are the items you would grab if you only could make one quick trip?
Presuming my pets/family were safe: laptop, cellphone, aaand a couple of my antique bracelets, which are conveniently located on a necklace/bracelet stand (I'm waaay too attached to a Victorian St. George bracelet I found online).
69. Do you know how to work your electrical box?
Well enough to fix it if a plug blows.
70. What temperature in your home is most comfortable to you?
Like, 80* at the lowest. I have no fucking cold tolerance.