Title: Letters
Rating: T
Fandom: STxi
Disclaimer: That I need one ought to say something, yeah?
A/n: from
this prompt on ST XI kink meme:
All the crew get fanmail, because of their cuteness and famousness. Jim loves it, Chekov gets more than anybody, Spock thinks it's illogical, Scotty gets sent lots of sandwiches in stasis units. McCoy doesn't get much, and when he does he blushes like a schoolgirl and gets teased mercilessly by the others.
But what happens when McCoy starts getting weird stalkery ones? Ones that are sent from places the Enterprise has docked recently?
Part One
Read more... )
Part Two
A few weeks went by, and Leonard heard neither from Jesse or Oleander (aside from a note back informing him that he were on the case). He hoped Jesse, whoever he or she was, hadn't committed suicide, but he was glad that there were no more emails. )
Part Three
Leonard had to wait six or seven rings before Clay answered, looking angry and out of sorts, and several alarm bells went off in Leonard's head. )
Part Four
There were more emails from Jesse to both Leonard and Jim. )
Part Five + epilogue
Oleander sent them a clip of the feed that had been running everywhere for the last few days: )
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