Our tax dollars at work

Jan 09, 2006 14:13

My co-worker has just been informed by the post office (after standing an hour in line) that they can't swap the old 23 cent postcard stamps for 24 cent stamps because THEY WON'T EVEN HAVE THEM UNTIL MARCH.

You heard me. They raised the postal rate with virtually no warning on January 8 and they WON'T HAVE THE STAMPS UNTIL MARCH. Now I have to use up 700 postcard stamps using the 1 cent filler stamps on cards so small I can barely fit the single stamps on. 700 freaking postcards!!!


Edit: OMG... My co-worker just read the local paper. And article about the rate hike states "and it will go up again soon..." How much you want to bet it goes up in, um... Say, *MARCH*???

rants, world_events

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