I'll take anything I can get at this point

Aug 03, 2012 22:45

First, they gave me bondage - now the office supply fetish has been satisfied… Coulson starts off a wicked re-gifting loop by presenting Aunt May with a label maker.

Yeah, baby… Show me that Office Depot card! Faster!  Harder!  AUGH!

Ooo… And what do we have here? Bad guys capture the carrier and tell Spidey that Fury is dead. To which conscience!Fury says: "Only believe something when you see it with your own eye. Even then, don't believe it."

FURY LIES. Just sayin.

Have I mentioned how much I love goodconscience!Spidey and evilconscience!Spidey? Hilarious.

marvel_universe, kinks_and_fetishes

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