The little things that bug you

Apr 22, 2012 17:26

I'm starting to read a fair amount of movie verse Avengers fanfic and already the tropish stuff that irritates it rearing it's ugly head…

While I am completely on board with the endless reports and "paperwork" Coulson and the others undoubtedly have to complete, don't you think that very little of it would actually be done on *PAPER*? I'm starting to get a little tired of all the endless scenes involving handwriting reports with pens and forms and files… IT'S DONE ON COMPUTER NOW. At least, I'm pretty darn sure it is at a place like SHIELD. Maybe they have to print out hard copies/files occasionally or for the archive or to hand off to someone, but the bulk of it goes right in to the computer, doesn't it?

And this from an AA with an Office Depot fetish… Love the long, boring paperworks scenes, but get the poor bastards a computer for crying out loud!


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