I swore I'd never go back...

Apr 07, 2012 14:15

I've been completely sucked in to Comic-verse Iron Man. OMG, comic!Tony is really, really HAWT.

I should get an honorary degree, figuring out the continuity through the process. IT'S SO IMPOSSIBLE AND FRUSTRATING. I realized eventuality that Five Nightmares was *not* the place to start and I really should have gone back to Extremis, so I abandoned ship (even though I was REALLY LOVING IT) and spent a week pulling together what I *thought* was a comprehensive collection of Iron Man from that period. But OMFG, could this be any harder? There were three universe-wide projects through that zone and the whole damn thing is so sprawling and complicated, AUGH! I absolutely *loathe* reading story arcs all fragmented like this...

Anyway, I've consumed large chunks of it, have a lot of side-trips identified and reserved at the library, and given up on some things that are just too complicated or don't interest me enough. So far I have the following things to say/squee:

1) Is there *anything* slashier in all of comic book history than Steve/Cap-Tony/Iron Man in the Civil War series? Because holy crap, that shit writes itself.

EDIT: Apparently, I'm far from the first to notice... EVIDENCE
2) This Natasha Stark thing intrigues me (I've seen mention of it online)… Does it pop up anywhere other than Dark Reign: Fantastic Four? (On hold at the library-haven't read yet.)

comicverse, marvel_universe

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