Bad kitty!

Oct 19, 2005 17:31

Ok, it's my turn to have a spider trauma...

So, last night I caught sight of the bad M*F* up on my ceiling and knew I wouldn't sleep if I didn't catch the damn thing, which I did. But I wasn't about to struggle with the screens to throw the thing out that late at night so I left it under a glass. Morning came and I was sick so I crawled back into bed - at noon I crawled out and dragged myself out to work for a few hours, thinking as I passed the slathering beast that I should throw it out before I left (so it didn't starve slowly to death.) Well, I was late and it didn't happen.

I got home to find the Demon Spawn had *LET THE FREAKING THING GO* while I was at work! So now I have a half-starved, nutter spider hell-bent on revenge roaming around SOMEWHERE in my apartment. I am so going to Hell when the thing ultimately finds and kills me. (Actually, the thrill of horror that ran down my spine and gasp of fright as I caught sight of the glass lying on it's side and the full extent of the situation dawned on me was a little funny...)

And no, I don't think Zelda ate it - she probably didn't even see the damn thing in the glass... Zelda has this genetic need to knock over glasses - full or not. They must be knocked over. Bad, BAD kitty!

zelda, spiders_must_die

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