The Professionals meme

Sep 22, 2011 20:20

Gacked from probodie and others.

1. How did you discover the Professionals?

They were always hovering around in the background at conventions I went to in the 80s/90s, but I never got to see the show until the DVDs came out in 2000 or so. I knew I’d be hooked before I even watched them, and it was true.

2. Favourite character

I’m not sure I can really pick between the main three - They all have equal attraction, for different reasons (and depending on my mood). I tend to default to Doyle though when pressed.

3. Least favourite character

Ann Holly (she looks like something out of an anime cartoon - for some reason that bugs the hell out of me.) And Kate Ross - OMG, I hate Kate Ross!

4. Favourite episode

There are way too many, all of them for different reasons. I suppose I could say Man Without A Past and it would be true. I could list at least a dozen others…

5. Least favourite episode

I’ve never been keen on Klansman. It’s just too… Much.

6. Best Cowley moment

I really kind of like him when he’s being a little cold and Machiavellian and cleverly cutting government people to ribbons with wit and words - I know there are some really specific scenes I love like this, but they aren’t coming to me right now. On a different tone, I’m really fond of that scene when Cowley visits Doyle in his apartment in Wild Justice. I love the intimacy of the scene, I love that we see Doyle's apartment, I love the dialog, I *love* Cowley doing up Doyle's tie.

7. Best Bodie moment?

Close Quarters - When he’s trying to defend/explain himself to Julia and he starts to flail around, desperately grabbing for some grip on his own motivations.

8. Best Doyle moment

There’s just too many. Today I’ll go with that scene in the car when Bodie’s eating some crap sandwich and Doyle’s poking at him about it and they start getting rompish. I can’t remember the episode…

9. Best female guest star

There aren’t many for me... I don’t know if she was the best, but I’ll go with Marikka - Really for no other reason than I just like playing around with her backstory and her character potential intrigues me more often than not. There are other female guests I’ve enjoyed more from and acting standpoint (like the wife in Man Without a Past), but those characters really didn’t make me want more.

10. Favourite moment from S1

Tommy and the Lads crossing the warehouse floor in Heroes.

11. Favourite moment from S2

There are so many… Today I’ll pick Doyle reading on the couch in his loft apartment. I’m endlessly enthralled with that apartment and some of my favorite moments in Pros are when they are doing filler scenes there.

12. Favourite moment from S3

There are so many… Today I’ll pick Doyle's nekkid butt.

13. Favourite moment from S4

There are so many… Today I’ll pick Bodie trying to change clothes in the back seat of a fast-moving car.

14. Favourite moment from S5

There are sooooo many good moments in season five…! Today I’ll pick the scene when they are under the hail of gunfire on the train in Operation Suzie.

15. A scene that makes you laugh

Lew/Bodie at the end of Blind Run with the bit about Phillipa's phone number. I don't care how many times I see this one, I laugh until I pee watching Lew's face during this. SO. MUCH. LUV.

16. A scene that makes you cry

Bodie finding Doyle shot in Discovered in a Graveyard and him running around doing what he has to to save him. The way it’s filmed and edited really gets to me every time. And the look on Bodie’s face through it all.

17. A scene you rewind to watch over again and again

Lots of them. Are you going to be surprised that I usually have to rewind the warehouse scenes in Heroes a couple of times each viewing? Especially Doyle physically holding Tommy back from attacking Tin Can.

18. Favourite quote

Cowley: "Because there's one thing you and I share Bodie..."
Doyle: "Same secretary."
Cowley: "Eh?"
The Lads smirk...

19. Favourite supporting character


20. Best villain

Georgi from Killer With A Long Arm - I always find him interesting when I watch that episode. I don’t know if it’s about the character, or what the actor brings to the table, but he stands out for me.

21. Favourite pairing


22. Favourite moment with your pairing

In the show? Or fanfic…? In the show, maybe that tiny second of them romping in the elevator in Purging of CI5. Maybe. There are a lot of good moments.

23. Favourite weapon

I don’t think I have one - I don’t really notice these things. I suppose Tommy’s shotgun is fairly memorable for me, if only because it’s so absurdly ridiculous. :-)

24. Best "move" in a fight

I can’t pull up any best “fight” moves… All I can think of is a lot of running and chasing scenes. Bodie flying over a car bonnet, Bodie flipping himself over a fence, Bodie running… Bodie seems to win the “most interesting to watch whilst running/chasing” award. ;-)

25. Favourite outfit

I’m really fond of those soft, fuzzy shirts that Doyle wears, There’s a green one I like a lot.

26. Whose shoes would you like to step into (on the show)?

Betty (or any of Cowley's personal secretaries)

27. If you could meet any ONE actor, who would it be?

John Castle

28. What is your favourite fan fiction story? (link if possible)

I’ll be boring and say Et in Italia Ego.

29. Who is your favourite fan fiction author? (link if possible)

Sebastian and PFL are up there - There are dozens of individual stories I love, but I haven’t taken a look to see if they distill down to any other authors I love in general.

30. What is the best alternate universe? (link if possible)

That’s a bit of a trick question, isn’t it? I mean, pretty much any fanfiction is an AU when it comes down to it. ;-) I’m not keen on the wildly different universes - I’ve got nothing here.


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