3D might have been overkill

Jul 24, 2011 22:36

I want to do Movie!Neville until he walks funny. And then, when he's a puddle on the ground and too weak to get away, I'd do him some more.

And Movie!McGonagall...? YOU GO GIRL. How hawt was that duel with Snape? That whole sequence rocked. She is far more awesome than I grocked in the books.

Does this need to go under a cut?

I was surprised I enjoyed this as much as I did. I mean, I'm pretty easy with the movies because they are always gorgeous and they've deviated from the books so much, I just take them as they are. But really, part two seemed like it was just going to be one long, endless fight scene and I'm not that interested. Truth be told, I even skimmed through a lot of the book because I'm not that into battle scenes. Which saved the movie, really, because there were several things which became clear for me, being illustrated out on screen, that I just didn't "see" during reading.

So, great overall. I didn't cry as much as most people because I've moved past my grief a while ago but sure, there were moments.

Random notes:

They really couldn't deal with Snape properly on screen - too much internal subtlety that just couldn't translate to screen - So, that in mind, I guess I appreciate they made him out more of a hero than he was. It seemed pretty clear cut in the movie - We're *still* debating the Snape in the book.

The 3D was particularly effective in those scenes at Hogwarts when actors were on the edges of cliffs or in windows, looking waaaaaaay down into the valley. I grabbed for my armrests a few times!

The effects in the Hogwarts battle were GORGEOUS. I *loved* the shield (and it's destruction) and I've always loved the wand/spell effects. Really liked that whole sequence with the fire in the room of requirement too.

I absolutely *loved* that seaside cottage.  I would so live there.

Daniel Radcliffe keeps getting hotter and hotter. I'm sorry. It's true.


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